Isak seems to be changing over night at times. He is growing and learning so fast that I can hardley keep up. Below are our updates of pictures...there are quite a few as I am not too good at keeping up with the blog.
We've discovered that Sonic has a fun little playyard. Isak loves corndogs...and the play cars. He gets a little upset when they don't work as they should but loves to stay in and ride. This was his first time in the car. Watch out drivers!
Isaks new favorite thing to do is to crawl and look underneath things. He likes to throw his toys underneath and then tries to find them. This time, he decided to crawl through the coffee table. It was pretty cute and he was pretty proud of himself for finding the way through.
When you ask Isak "Where is Isak" he will cover his ears and he thinks that you can't see him. It is pretty hilarious. Here he is playing along with mom. He didn't think I could see him sitting there. When he puts his hands down, he laughs quite a bit thinking that he fooled you.
For Halloween, I handed out over 2000 pieces of candy at our downtown BooRama. Isak dressed up as a Pirate. We didn't really do any trick or treating with him as he really doesn't get any candy, but he had fun trying his first sucker. Steve said that he was drooling so much from it that his entire shirt was drenched.
Steve and Isak were downtowing strolling around in the wagon. The pirate hat is pretty didn't stay on very long but was adorable none the less. After the downtown event, we went to a friends house for some chili and conversation. They live on a street that is packed with trick or treaters all evening. Isak had fun running up and down the sidewalks. He was so excited and hyper. He finally crashed around 7:30 while hanging out in the sling.
(I know he will look back at this and think....seriously mom....a pirate.....what were you thinking)
Steve and I took Isak to a Pumpkin Patch just south of town earlier in October to play and pick out some pumpkins. He loved pushing the wagon around and running through all of the pumpkins. It was such a beautiful day. We will definetely have to go back next year!
(Isak found the perfect was just a little heavy)
We hope this finds you all doing well. Hopefully I can be a little better about updating the site. Have a wonderful week.
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